Plant Nursery

Plant Nursery

Vivai Piante Masetti Sabino s.s.a.

Our Plant Nursery

– 18 hectares dedicated to our production of ornamental plants –

The nursery extends over approximately 18 hectares, cultivated above all in fields, with only a small part in containers. As can be seen leafing through these pages, the types of plants cultivated consist of Ornamental Outdoor Plants which are advantageous for the creation of parks and gardens.

The range of positions of the cultivated land in at least five different zones of the Province of Pistoia, allows for various micro-climatic and soil conditions, which guarantees an environment, varying from case to case, more adapt to certain types of plants as opposed to others.

Field nursery is ideal for our production and this fully reflects the Pistoian nursery tradition, which has built upon this in constructing its role as European leader: in fact, almost all of our plants are only put into containers after they have finished their growth cycle in the fields.

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